Mind Bender...the breach

Mind Bender...the breach

June 21, 2016

There is a window of opportunity that is opening up during this appointed time in the days of our lives.  It is an intentional breach in the spiritual atmosphere.  It is being experienced as the Light, that beckons our burned-out self to come into an interactive relationship with our Creator.  It is not religious, but it is being experienced by many as an awakening into a renaissance in the culture of our faith.  An opening in the spiritual realm and an invitation to adventure for those who are bored and disenchanted with establishment life and the dearth within religious status quo.

Our Creator is peering through the lattice of our existence and many around the planet are peering back.  Peering back into this window of opportunity and staying transfixed with the real reality of righteous love, may be disruptive and chaotic and you may begin to feel the urge to dance like a flower child and even become convinced to step out of the matrix and simply believe in a life overwhelmed with peace and love.  

This awakening into the renaissance will become spiritually iconic within you, around you and among whoever you are around.  It will parallel the cultural revolution of the 60’s in its impact and heavenly trend setting.  There won't be acid, but there will be spiritual trips taken into the heavenly places and yes, you may be tripping.  Expansion of consciousness, collage of colors, sacred sounds, timelessness, fragrance, free falling into realms of revelation, ecstasy without borders and all the while being caressed in the canopy of the Creator.  There will be divine experiences, supernatural love-ins intentionally made available to lovers who long to embrace and experience the intimacy of relationship with the Lover of our souls.  There will be encounters that are supra spiritual, almost psychedelic-type experiences of the heavenly, celestial life.  Yes, if it wasn't true, it almost sounds too good to be true.

Many will have mind altering and life-changing encounters of divine intoxication that will be transcendent and will essentially render previous years of head space religious teaching and chunky, churchified religious truisms, as utterly invalidated, disintegrated and dissolved.  And in exchange for this obliterated religiosity, to those with a childlike sense of vulnerability, imagination and openness to wonder, there will be astonishment by being turned on by the truth, with the capacity to let go and then let go some more.  Letting go of preconceptions, pretense and pride.  

And in the letting go, the childlike ones will be given an invitation to come away and surrender to the yearning and call from the Lover of souls.  We will be beckoned to come into His chambers to experience ecliptic encounters, divine dreams and virtual visions of the heavenly places. These are places in which we are seated and reclining in a state of perfect rest, relaxation and abiding. And our encounters will be embellished with glimpses of glory and undulating revelations about the Creator of our universe and His desire for intimacy with us the created ones.

This window has already been opened, unbeknown to most of organized religion.  In fact, this window will likely be shrouded from post-modern sadducees, infatuated intellectualism, rigid religiosity and inert theological reasoning.  This open window is already bringing wisps of fresh air for survival and rejuvenation.

It is being described by some as a supernatural breach, mysteriously drawing us to engage in this Light and ascend from being submerged in the depths of life’s nonsense, breathing in the life-giving oxygen of transcendent love, pura vida.  This breach is as a door, gate, window sash, or the like, set open, as to permit passage through the opening to and from the heavenly places.  There is nothing except self-imposed unbelief, agnosticism and religious pride that will have any means of closing or barring the possibilities of openness.  

In essence, there is an open portico, having immediate accessibility into divine imagination.  It is a large space, relatively free of obstructions to sight, movement, or previous religious internal arrangement.  It represents an open floor plan of potential for engaging the fabric of Heaven and being empowered to be experienced and bring manifestations of our experiences into the earthly places of our lives that set into motion the will and coming to pass of the kingdom of heaven.

We will encounter clouds upon clouds of witnesses to the surreal scenes and unearthly episodes of eternity, being carried away on the wings of the wind.  This wind of the Spirit will be sustained and carried along by angelic acolytes that have risen like eagles into the currents of creativity and soar effortlessly with ecstatic energy.  We will be altered and the things of this corporeal world will grow strangely dim in the light and luminescence of transfiguration, glory and grace.  

Then we will be empowered with a divine purpose to love our Creator with tenderness, sweetness and to never let go.  Our Creator will call us 'darlings' and sing to us of how much we are loved, always will be and that He will be ours through all the years, till the end of time.  We will be ravished by His love and be willing to let go of everything to help make His life complete and fulfill His dreams here on the earth, carrying out the desires of His heart, which will become one and the same with our own desires.  

The thing about our Creator is that He is simply not religious. Religion often obfuscates the real reality about Creation.  Our Creator has always been creative and is now singing through us, right to us (link below...imagine Him singing everything, every word and all of it right to you...)


We will be, as it were, a phenomenon, a reflective refraction of the Light, dispersed like a rainbow in our own atmospheric metron, resulting in a supernatural spectrum of divine love. And yes, we will sing ‘all you need is love’ and there will be a ripple effect that will be far-reaching and extend to the ends of the earth and nothing will ever be the same again…mahalo!


Mind Bender 4...the metamorphosis

Mind Bender 4...the metamorphosis