Mind Bender 4...the metamorphosis
April 7, 2017
The metamorphosis…also called transformation. A change in the form and habits of an organism during normal development after the embryonic stage. This is an intentional process whereby the outcome and timeline towards the desired end has been set into motion and the transformation is forthcoming. Consider the butterfly…
Butterflies go through a life cycle that involves several stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The metamorphosis from a caterpillar into a butterfly occurs during the pupa stage. Inside the cocoon and the chrysalis, the caterpillar is transforming into a new creature.
The natural things, like metamorphosis, speak of the invisible. In the invisible spirit realm, there is an alignment taking place for the purpose of opening a new portal from the heavenly places. We are poised to be here at such a time as this, at the threshold of a unique zeitgeist. There is a surge of revelation being purposefully generated from the realms of glory, that is now penetrating the hearts of humanity here below. Many are having the eyes of their understanding opened to a new, personal meaning of metamorphosis.
This surge is deliberate and has been planned to bring forth an awakening deep in our spirits. Many are waking up after years in the cocoon of life and unexpectedly being aroused to the full understanding of what it means to ‘arise and shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Creator rises upon you.’ There is a holy hovering that is taking place right before our worn out earthly eyes and is being experienced as a quickening into the meaning of life and is being felt as a pulse of purpose. Many are encountering the divine Presence, receiving various aspects of this revelation and realizing that there is a destiny beyond the daily life in the cocoon.
The cocoon has been necessary, but has never been intended as the final stage. Believing, letting go and surrendering to this process of metamorphosis is what will bring transformation and the intended outcome. Its in our spiritual DNA to become transformed into a new creature and live and move and have our being in the One who created this life…life in the habitats where we find ourselves.
Back to the butterfly. Once the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly is complete, the fluttering begins. Butterflies live in different habitats, including mangroves, salt marshes, lowland forests, sand dunes, wetlands, mountainous regions and grasslands. From the inception of the cocoon, all have been carefully placed in the unique environment where they have the potential to become actualized and thrive. Look around and consider your habitat...
Butterflies seek the sun to warm themselves. Basking in the warmth of the sun gives them energy…the energy to flutter. You will often see many butterflies perched on flowers or leaves in the sun, usually laying their wings flat down and facing upward at the sun so they can get the best exposure. They are not striving, but they are essentially resting and abiding in the warmth so freely bestowed on them. They were designed this way…to relax in this warmth. Another form of basking is known as reflectance and this is used when the butterfly wants to reflect (refract) the sunlight to their body. Once again, the intention is not to only soak up the warmth, but to also reflect this warmth…it is hard-wired into their destiny to soak and reflect. Look around and consider basking...
One other butterfly behavior is noteworthy. Puddling is when quite a few butterflies congregate together at the wet edge of sandy areas or mud puddles. Since flowers are butterflies main source of food, there is not a lot of nutrients in flower nectar. Puddling is when butterflies get together and feast on extra salts and other nutrients found in the water around sand. They seem to instinctually know where the living water is and the significance of gathering together. This is also known as community. They congregate so to speak, around the living water, where they ‘feast’ on ‘extra’ salts (which typically provide nutrition and add seasoning and taste to just about everything) and other ‘nutrients’ found in the living water. These nutrients are critical for reproduction as the female uses these same nutrients to reproduce. This is how the butterfly multiplies. Perhaps they enjoy sharing all this puddling experience with each other, each one describing their experience of feasting and encouraging one another. Look around and consider puddling…