Mind Bender 3...who are you really…
July 2, 2016
Like a blackbird singing in the dead of night, like a paperback writer...asking yourself 'who are you really' opens up a layer of other questions…
Who do you believe you are, who do you believe others believe you are, of what character are you, of what origin are you, of what position (not status) are you among the populace, of what significance are you, etc.
Much of this can be answered psychologically, socially and historically...but going beyond the earth bound answers available in the natural mind, imagine who you are from an existential frame of mind.
Let me propose a trilogy, asking the question in this way: who are you now, who were you and who are you to become? In this existential context, these philosophic, psychologic and spiritual questions require a positional frame of reference and springboard…a position from where we drop anchor and from which emerges our commentary and conclusions.
There are many belief substrates where you can drop anchor and secure a position (albeit secure or insecure), from which to base your beautiful beatitudes in consideration of who you really are. Let me suggest a relational, interactive theology, a substrate that is both beyond the borders of the religious status quo and well-beyond chronic classical theology.
Let me suggest a reformational (non-religious) substrate, whereby our Creator (God, Jah, etc.) is considered as Father and we are the kids…its that simple, LOL.
Lets extend this further for the purpose of logical consistency. Lets think outside of any religious box you have ever found yourself confined in. In truly knowing who you are, consider whether its significant to know who your Creator considers you to be…i.e., who you are, who you were and who you are to become. If you maintain an open mind and simply let go of all preconceived beliefs and distortions of beliefs, then you can entertain with child-like faith, a relational, interactive theology, where its easy to embrace being a kid of the Creator. And if you are a kid of the Creator, then you live and move and have your being in Him (the Creator)*. That’s absolutely mind boggling, but it sets up the context within which you can fully define and understand who you are now, who you were and who you are to become. (*reference to God as ‘He’ or “Him’ assumes it also implies ’She’ or ‘Her’, given that God embodies in a spiritual sense, both the full expression of male and female, as we have been created in the image of God).
Continuing to extrapolate from this reformational anchor, the Creator (God, Jah, etc.) has made it known for some time now who He is. He says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, who is, who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” The Almighty also has made it clear that He will have ‘sons and daughters and there will be sons and daughters of inheritance.’ We who simply believe like kids, are considered ‘adopted as sons and daughters (as children of our Creator, with all rights as fully grown members of the family)’ and ‘all who are allowing themselves to be led by the Spirit of our Creator are considered sons and daughters.' So, if we are in Him and in Him we live and move and have our being, then who we are, who we were and who we are to become (to come) becomes clearer. We are defined by who He is, who He was and who He is to come.
So, who is He...who is our Creator? Our Creator ‘is Love.' Our Creator, not Ringo (although I do love Ringo), is the originator of Peace and Love, and Love is an enduring attribute of His nature." So we are just one big happy family who is loved, who was loved even before we were and who will always be loved to come. We were simply created with the capacity to be involved in an interactive, relationship of Love…well then, I guess all you need is Love…yahoo!
The times they are a changing and what you have always thought about yourself may need to be re-thought. It just might be time to reconsider who you really are, who you were and who you are to become. The Almighty says, ‘It is I who changes the times and the seasons; I remove kings and establish kings. I give wisdom to the wise and greater knowledge to those who have understanding and it has been said of our Creator that, ‘it is He who reveals the profound and hidden things. He knows what is in the darkness and the light dwells with Him.'
There are new crevices that have opened up in the spiritual atmosphere and glimpses of revelation, that will emerge as it were, like a spiritual renaissance within you and without you, from within and without you, as in all around you and among you and yours. Many are becoming astonished with revelation of the Truth laced in Love…a Love that is being poured out as bliss with precise projection into our world like never before.
Perhaps who you really are is a much loved kid, who was thought of, considered and loved even before you were and who is destined to become (come) into an inheritance beyond our wildest imagination. An inheritance that begins right where you are, being who you really are right now. Our eyes have not seen, our ears have not heard, neither has it even entered into our wildest imagination, the things that have been prepared for us in this interactive, relational inheritance, freely given by our Creator, the Almighty. This is who we really are, who we were and who we are to become…created to be loved...speechless!
('Oh, I think I landed in a world I hadn’t seen, when I’m feeling ordinary, when I don’t know what I mean…oh, I think I landed where there are miracles at work…’ CP) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/a-head-full-of-dreams/id1053933969 https://play.spotify.com/album/3cfAM8b8KqJRoIzt3zLKqw